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Formative Assessment

Discover the transformative power of formative assessment, otherwise known as Assessment for Learning, a cornerstone of effective pedagogy that responds dynamically to students' needs.

This video offers a rich exploration of formative assessment, illustrating its role as a quick, impactful tool for enhancing teaching and learning. We delve into a variety of agile techniques, showcasing how educators can adapt their approach to meet students where they are. Through practical examples, from simple, no-prep methods to more structured strategies, we highlight how to gauge engagement, understanding, and the application of concepts in real-time. Whether you're an experienced teacher seeking to refine your skills or new to the educational field, the video provides insights into how you can foster a supportive, responsive learning environment.

Months from Expectation (MfE) Data

Learn about how to take the information in SchoolTalk further by downloading it as 'Months from Expectation' (MfE) data.  This short video will summarise how MfEs can be used to give much clearer insights into progress and achievement.

MfE data can also support schools to identify classes and groups that stand out as being particularly successful at enabling progress and which classes need additional resources to support their progress effectively.  In this way a school can take action to ensure equity for all learners.

Learn also about how this data can be correlated with other data sets such as standardised tests, surveys and attendance to help build a more holistic view of the learners.

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